Tuesday, July 28, 2009
David Karaffa, To My Supporters
On Monday night, Staunton City Councilman Richard Bell was elected as the Republican nominee for the 20th House District seat by the Republican chairpersons of the encompassing counties and city.
I congratulated Mr. Bell and wished him well in his campaign. I also expressed my willingness to help him in any way while on the campaign trail. I believe that Councilman Bell will represent the 20th District with strength and devotion and he has my full support.
I would like to thank all who supported me in this process. It was surely a team effort. We added to the richness of the discussion on Monday night and engaged in the issues that the Commonwealth is currently facing. I appreciate the overwhelming support and kind words from all of you who have contacted me. Some I have known for years and others I just met. This is truly an exciting time.
Many of you have expressed that I stay involved and I will. I will continue to work with the surrounding communities as we pull together and continue the momentum of individual responsibility, small government, and conservative principles.
Again, I thank all of you for your support and ask you to join me in supporting Councilman Richard Bell in November.
David A. Karaffa
Friday, July 24, 2009
Christopher DeWald steps out of race for 20th District, throws support behind David Karaffa!!
He went on to say that he fully supports me in my bid for the Republican Nomination.
"I want to add that I throw any weight that I might have had to Mr. David Karaffa. He is the only one of the 7 that remain that is out there in the public. I have seen and heard him in Gypsy Hill Park. He is out there with the people. The others lack that motivation and drive. We need someone vibrant that is going after the position because he desires to be part of the solution and will work hard for the party. He is young enough to run for many years and not to be just a figurehead. I applaud his efforts in obtaining such medical credentials in such a short time. That shows desire and people skills. That is what the party that I love needs. We do not need someone who will just want the name of the position, but go out and be the reorganized Republican Party."---Christopher J DeWald.
I appreciate Mr. DeWald's kind words and respect him for putting forth his name to serve the people of our district.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
David Karaffa for 20th District Delegate!
As many of you know, our Delegate, Chris Saxman, has announced that he will no longer be seeking re-election in November, which opens up the Republican nomination. I, like many of you, was surprised that our good delegate was no longer running. I understand the reasons that Delegate Saxman has for stepping aside and I want to take this opportunity to thank him for his years of unwavering service to our community, and wish him well in his future endeavors.
Over the last couple of days, many in the community have asked me if I would submit my name for candidacy. After careful consideration of the issues confronting our great commonwealth, input from my family, and quiet prayer, I have decided to put forward my name for the 20th District seat of the Virginia House of Delegates.
We reflect on the peaceful passing of public service from one person to the next that has been in practice ever since the founding of our country. Each time, it has been to a person that shares our faith in a system that puts "We the People" in charge and I share in that belief. If selected I will passionately continue our fight for fiscal responsibility, real estate assessment reform, education, healthcare, a responsible energy policy, government transparency, and job creation. As Delegate Saxman, a great public servant, goes on to travel a different path, we must have strength and courage as a community, to look to the future of our representation and take confidence in our selection.
I want to thank the Republican Committee Chairmen for opening up this nomination so that once again a person who walks among us can step forward, take on the burden of public service, and represent our interests in the Virginia legislature. I look forward to an open and fair process where the will of the people will be respected and the spirit of our democracy maintained.
I am honored by the prospect of representing our great community and I ask you to support me at the Republican Nomination Forum 7 pm July 27th at Buffalo Gap High School.
(Show your support for David Karaffa and a Bold Fresh Perspective by wearing a Red Shirt at the Forum)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Respect for a Leader.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Hold The Presses!!!
Hold the phone, stop the presses, and put the champagne back on ice!
In a stunning decision by the local Republican committee chairmen, the decision to replace Del. Chris Saxman as the 2009 candidate for delegate has been placed on hold until after a public forum in which any person can contend for the Republican nomination for the 20th district seat of
All residents wishing to submit their name for consideration have to be in to Carl Tate, Chairman of the 20th District Republican Legislative Committee, by Wednesday, July 22nd at 5 p.m. The forum will be held 7 p.m. Monday, July 27th at
The 20th District of Virginia is sure alive tonight!
Friday, July 17, 2009
City Councilman to be handed the 20th district seat of Virginia.

Virginia State Delegate Chris Saxman (pictured on left), from the 20th district seat of Virginia, has removed his name from the ballot this November. In an email letter to his supporters the four term Delegate stated “I have recently felt pulled to pursue new opportunities to serve my community and our Commonwealth, I believe the time has come for me to step away from my current elected position.”
We will stay up to date as this story unfolds.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Democratic Congressman laughs about legislators responsibilities!

Colin Hanna, president of Let Freedom Ring, has created the “Responsible Health-care Reform Pledge,” which commits lawmakers to read the health care bill in its entirety before they cast their vote. The group is also asking that the full health care bill be made available for public view three days before Congress votes on it. It has been revealed that few, if any, congressman read the 1,550 page American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (Cap and Trade Bill) or the 1,071 page American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ($850 billion Bailout Bill).
The Responsible Health-care Reform Pledge states; “I, (Name inserted here), pledge to my constituents and to the American people that I will not vote to enact any health-care reform package that: 1) I have not read, personally, in its entirety; and, 2) Has not been available, in its entirety, to the American people on the Internet for at least 72 hours, so that they can read it too.”
Readers may also find this interesting. Below is the text for the Oath of Office for Congressmen and women.
Reason would suggest that when you make an oath to discharge the duties of the office in a well and faithful manner that it would include reading legislation entirely before voting on it. Sometimes our elected leaders, even Congressman Steny Hoyer, need to be reminded of their most sacred promise, which is to the people.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Interview with Virginia State Delegate Ben Cline

Education has been a priority for Delegate Cline, he said, “I have always worked as a leader for education reform. We are working to make sure that money is going to the classroom, I have been working on the 2/3 rule which obligates school boards to prove that $2 out of every $3 dollars is going into the classroom and students.”
“With education, we are also trying a new formula that sets a 4/1 ratio for teachers to staff.” Using this standard, schools would have one staff member for every four teachers. These staff include the principal, vice principal, secretaries, janitors, food workers, etc. The efficiencies that are created would save money that could be put to better use updating classrooms.
Delegate Cline has been fighting high dollar Virginia Lottery licensing. The profits from the Virginia Lottery go to funding education throughout the state. Delegate Cline explained how the state of Virginia paid up to $840 thousand dollars for the license to offer the “Deal or No Deal” lottery tickets. Delegate Cline said, “Paying such expensive licensing fees is ridiculous, we could be using that money better.” He is supporting legislation to change this practice.
Job creation, especially green jobs, and the economy are hot topics these days, I asked Delegate Cline to explain his views. He said, “I am concerned about the environment, however right now we need all kinds of jobs. It is the role of government to keep taxes and regulations low through cooperation with local governments and efficient practices. Government is supposed to foster new business while adhering to local comprehensive growth plans.” I asked him what his recipe would be for job creation. He said, “Education is key, especially community colleges, we need to tie in local high schools with local community colleges by offering some courses in high school that earn credits in college. We will have forty thousand new students in the university system and we don’t have the seats available. Another step is offering classes in high school and community college that prepare students to work in local industry, this can help keep our next generation close to home and improve our local economy.”
I asked Delegate Cline what legislation he was most proud to support in this last term. He said government transparency legislation. He explained that it is an internet site that would disclose every penny of state money and where it was going. This program is still under construction and will need further support in order to be completed. Through this program any citizen would be able to log in and track whatever money whenever they want. It would be an excellent tool for the people of Virginia to keep an eye on big government.
Delegate Cline is a strong Pro-Life supporter. He stated, “I have introduced legislation that takes practical steps towards life that both sides of the aisle can agree on.” One such bill was to offer fetal anesthesia before an abortion is carried out. He said, “It passes the House of Delegates every year and then it is killed in the Senate.” Another bill he would like to see passed is that a woman must have a sonogram before she has an abortion.
Gun control is a hot topic this election year. I asked Delegate Cline about his perspective. He stated, “I am extremely proud of my A+ rating from the NRA and I am a member of the Militia, Police, and Public Safety Committee in the House of Delegates. I have supported legislation that would increase the opportunity for people to carry concealed firearms, and a no permit fee for retired police and military personnel.” Meaning, while retired police and military personnel are required to obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon, they would not have to pay the fee's required by the state to obtain it.
I asked Delegate Cline if he considered himself a conservative. He stated, “I do, I believe in the power of the individual to determine their own fate. I believe the primary role of government is the protection of our constitutional rights, the defense of our freedom, and the limited ability of government to affect a person’s ability to pursue their destiny.”
Virginia State Delegate Ben Cline represents Rockbridge, Lexington, Buena Vista, and parts of southern Augusta County as the 24th district representative. He is running for re-election this November and humbly asks for your continued support. For more information on Delegate Cline and what he has done in his service to Virginia, go to his website, www.bencline.com
Thursday, July 2, 2009
New Health Care Bill could cost you $1,000 if you don't comply.

Basically, the federal government is giving you two choices, either pony up for a federal insurance plan or pony up a hefty fine. Either way you end up paying. It is humiliating that the U.S. Senate and President Obama are comfortable charging people a fine when they can't afford health insurance. Lets take into consideration a poor American who can't afford private health insurance and can't afford the government option health care plan either. Instead of that person being able to keep his money, he will have to pay it in a fine to the federal government. How does that help?