Mr. Obama, could you please stop talking about Climate Change by May at the latest, I would like to enjoy my summer. Thanks.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Not Climate Change Again.......
Has anyone noticed how every time President Obama says, "Climate Change" we get blasted with snow? Its like God was listening at Copenhagen and said, "Climate Change, I'll give you climate change" and we got one of the biggest snows in more than 30 years. Now, at the State of the Union address, President Obama said "Climate Change" and I wake up to 6 inches of snow.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hey Washington!
U.S. Senate Desk.
"Its the People's Seat!"
Sen. Elect Scott Brown during debate.
A U.S. House of Representatives Chamber Chair.
Its the People's Chair!
The United States Senate Chamber.
Its the People's Chamber!
The United States House of Representatives Chamber.
Its the People's Voice!
Its the People's House!
Its the People's Country!
Hey Washington, Can you hear us now?
Sen. Scott Brown win will be studied.
The New York Times has an in depth look at the Scott Brown senate victory. The story studies the actions of the liberals, Democrats, Independents, Republicans, conservatives, Martha Coakley, Scott Brown, Capital Hill, the White House, etc. Senior Advisor to the President, David Axelrod, said, "It was a classic case of everyone getting caught napping."
The story also heralds the coming of a new element in the political arena, The Tea Party Movement. They look at how the Tea Party has become a heavy weight in national politics and must be reconciled with by the Republican party. The reality is, along with Scott Brown and his dedicated volunteers, the Tea Party Movement was the first to come in and nationally support Brown and brought in reinforcements from around the nation.
This amazing race will surely be studied in schools for political science. One thing is definite, Democrats will be on a sharp lookout across the nation for other independent, conservative, Republicans to stand up to the Democrat machine currently running Washington D.C.
Waynesboro has Surplus!
Today in the News Virginian, Waynesboro City Council has been told they have a revenue surplus! To the tune of $560,000 dollars. The debate is whether to spend it or save it. I know that answer. With the fiscal year 2010 looking more grim for local governments than the 2009, the wise move would be to save the money to maintain core services of government in the future. According to the story, the city council will hold a hearing to let the public give opinion about the funds. No date has been set.
Honorable move by Sen. Webb?
Senator Jim Webb released a statement after Senator-elect Scott Brown won in Massachusetts on Tuesday. In the statement Senator Webb said that the Senate should suspend votes on Health Care Reform until after Senator Brown is seated to represent his state. This was an interesting move on behalf of the Virginia Senator. The Richmond Times Dispatch congratulates Sen. Webb with his decision in today's paper. However, was Sen. Webb being honorable or finding a way to get back into good graces with the conservative state he represents? Do you think that Sen. Webb sees the writing on the wall in terms of his own re-election? Lets face it if Massachusetts can elect a conservative representative because of what is happening in Congress, surely Virginia can.
But for now, however, I am proud that Sen. Webb has decided to take this stand. It is important that the duly elected representatives be seated to carry out their trust in the name of the people. Moving forward on Health Care Reform without Senator Brown would be a disgrace to the United States Senate and the United States Constitution and all it stands for.
Rest Stops Open, One Promise Kept.
This morning in the Richmond Times Dispatch was the headline "McDonnell gets the OK to re-open rest stops." Gov. McDonnell keeps a promise within one WEEK of being in office. Good job Gov. keep it up. All rest stops will be open and operating by April 15 with the first being re-opened next month. McDonnell commented that the closed rest stops had sent a bigger signal to those driving through Virginia, that the Commonwealth was closed for business. McDonnell says that opening up these rest stops was important for showing how serious he was about keeping his promises.
The Commonwealth is exploring public-private partnership programs for the rest stop areas and the transportation agency is looking at ways to bring down the additional $7.5 million dollar price tag to keep the rest stops in operation.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
This was on RedState today, Unplug Education, No Computers in Schools. Is computer integration into the classroom really benefiting our students between the ages of 8-18? According to the New York Times this age group already gets 7 1/2 hours of multimedia exposure. The post goes further to say that students need to get back to mastering the basics and then bring in the technology. Interesting...
Dems. Options on Health Care Reform.
The news outlets are alive today as the Scott Brown victory ripples through Washington and the Health Care debate. As this campaign neared its end the Democrat leadership, in the Capital, had to start preparing for the possibility that their candidate would not triumph. Now with the election of Scott Brown to the United States Senate, President Obama's Health Care Reform agenda is in serious jeopardy. Now the preparation that the Democrat leadership started working on must be put into practice. I have listed these options in order of what, I believe, is the likeliness that Democrats will try.
Here are their options:
One, push forward with back room dealing for a bill that could buy off a moderate Republican senator. Two, Bring the Senate bill that was passed on Christmas Eve to the House of Representatives and try to get it passed. Third, drop the bills in their present forms and start from scratch. Fourth, open up the conference committee process of the two health care bills and invite the Republicans.
First, we look at the number one option, back room deal something that will buy a Republican Senator's vote, much like Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska was bought off. I don't really think this will happen, the political fallout of the Nebraska "Corn husk deal" has been tremendous and will definitely be difficult for Ben Nelson to deal with come election time. So finding a moderate Republican stupid enough to crater their career is unlikely.
Second, the option of bringing the Senate bill to the House floor for passage without any changes. This is a tough pill for the House to swallow and the odds of this are slim. There are many moderate Democrats (blue dogs) in the House that will not approve of the Senate bill due to the loose abortion language. Other representatives will not support pushing the cost of this health care reform onto the state budget sheets because the state's budgets are really in no shape to take on this type of load. However, if Health Care reform is destined to happen with this Congress and this Administration, this is how it will be done. The fallout will be a tremendous upset in the November 2010 congressional elections.
Third, drop the health care bills and start from scratch. I wish. They may drop the bill and health care all together. But the odds of starting this process again for 2010 is a pipe dream, every representative in the House is up for re-election this year, they will not want to continue this debate into election season. This reason alone is why President Obama wanted to get health care reform done last year, because he knew this wouldn't play in an election year.
Fourth, open up the conference committee process of the two bills to the Republicans and the general public. Yea-right, there is no way that Congressional Democrats are going to want the Republicans to charge in and save Health Care Reform. If they did, Republicans would shout that they saved Health Care Reform and the Democrats couldn't do it without them.
So, in the end, even though we really need real health care reform, I believe that the Health Care Reform Bill and debate start to wane and go away with an echo of blame from Democrats on the Republicans that they refused to pass Health Care Reform. Same old, same old.
Scott Brown WINS, Sen. Kerry consols Coakley.
The Conservative Republican, Tea Party supported Scott Brown has triumphed over his opponent Martha Coakley. The reasons for the Democrat loss have ranged from local issues to national ones.
Senator John Kerry was present at Martha Coakley's concession speech and offered his condolences. Democrats are feeling the burn and pressure today on Capital Hill with their domestic agenda.
General Assembly Vote on Income Tax Hike!
The Virginia General Assembly will be voting on whether or not to raise the state income tax 1%, according to the Richmond Times Dispatch today. Watch your legislators on this vote.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Jan. 8th Mass. Debate on YouTube.
I watched the YouTube Videos of the Jan. 8th Mass. Debate, they were great. I especially liked the Independent that was there, I don't agree with him on everything however, the added dynamic of the third person really made the debate. Check it out. I have listed the different parts in order so you don't have to hunt for them.
UPDATE, Currently, According to Public Policy Polling and up on Fox, the current polls show Republican Scott Brown Leading Democrat Martha Coakley by 51-46% overall, and 64-32% among independents and winning 20% of the vote that supported Obama in 2008. Unfortunately, none of the recent polls register percentages for Independent Joe Kennedy, no relation to the Ted Kennedy family.
Martha Coakley has lost her mind!
Martha Coakley was quoted, in the Wall Street Journal, as saying, "Catholics probably shouldn't work in the Emergency Room." It should be noted that Massachusetts is the second most heavily catholic state in the union. 53% of the voting population is Roman Catholic. Gee whiz Mrs. Coakley was that a stupid comment, what were you thinking?
I am a registered nurse at our area hospital and I occasionally work in the emergency room. I never let my faith interfere with the level of care I give a patient. I am grateful that Mrs. Coakley is not running to be my United States Senator, because last time I checked we didn't discriminate based on religion in the work place. What does our Virginia Delegation to the United States Congress say about this? I also wonder how the President feels about how Mrs. Coakley has slapped every Catholic Health Care worker in the face and put his Health Care Reform plans in serious jeopardy?
Rocket Club Grounded in Augusta?
In the News Virginian today is a story about the Augusta county rocket club, Valley Aerospace Team "VAST". Apparently, the clubs launches have been grounded after complaints to the Augusta County Board of Zoning. The complaints were of noise, that the launches scared their livestock, and that the Croft farm wasn't the appropriate site for the clubs activities. The Croft farm spans 500 acres and Mr. Croft, who supports the clubs activities, states, "The cows don't pay no attention to it." Watch a VAST rocket launch here.
Mr. Neff, the clubs president, stated that he nor Mr. Croft had received any complaints in the past about the clubs activities. Mr. Neff states that the first he heard about it was when the clubs permit to engage in rocketry was denied by the county. Mr. Neff is arguing that the club is operating with in the regulations of the state, county, and the National Association of Rocketry safety codes.
I love rocketry, I was a member of the rocketry club when I was in middle and high school. It fueled my interest in science and mathematics. Rocketry is an amazing avenue for young people to engage in rewarding learning activities. It would surprise the average person to learn just how much science and math go on behind the scenes with rocketry. It really gets fun when you design and create your own rockets.
I was surprised by this article especially in reference the Board of Zoning. I am as puzzled as Mr. Neff is on the grounds for the permits denial. I wonder if the Augusta Board of Zoning actually tested and investigated the complaints made by residents before denying the permit.
The club appears to have been founded in 2004 and is a member of the Tripoli Rocket Association and a registered member of the National Association of Rocketry, click here to view their required safety codes.
The "Sledd Compromise"
Today in the Richmond Times Dispatch is an article of compromise in reference to the appointment of Robert Sledd as a senior economic advisor to Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.
Originally, Gov. McDonnell wanted Sledd to serve as Secretary of Commerce and Trade. Sledd is a successful businessman who sits on multiple corporate boards. The Democrat controled Virginia Senate opposed Sledd's nomination due to, what Senate Democrats called, a conflict of interest.
In light of the Senate's inability to confirm Sledd, the choice deputy secretary of commerce and trade has been promoted to the Secretary spot and is generally seen to be an easy confirmation. Gov. Bob McDonnell is quoted as saying that the solution was, "win-win," for the commonwealth, but was disappointed about how the matter played out.
Mr. Pelosi...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Richmond Capital preparing for inauguration.
The Richmonder has some great pictures of the Capital in Richmond being readied for inauguration day. Thanks for the great pictures.
The New York Times misses the point.
A good friend of mine forwarded me an editorial from the New York Times. In the article, the editorial board says that the country needs health care reform and supports to some extent the bills going through Congress. However, one key element of the article caught my eye. Here is how it reads,
"Both bills would broaden eligibility, and their requirement that everyone obtain insurance should also push more currently eligible people to sign up. That is a good thing."
The fundamental principle that is ignored here is the American citizen's individual right to spend their money as they see fit. It is important to point out that the idea of mandating away a free person's will runs rampant in the current Health Care Reform Legislation. I am disappointed in the New York Times, because apparently it is okay with them that health care reforms be forced on the American People.
Augusta County Government Announcements.
I have an email subscription with the county for public announcements. Here is what is new.
Augusta County Board of Supervisors Meeting:
Wed. Jan. 13th 7pm @ Government Center
Augusta County Board of Supervisors Ordinance Review Worksession
Wed. Jan. 13th 1pm @ Government Center
Augusta County Planning Commission Meeting
Tues. Jan. 12th 7pm @ Government Center
Augusta County GART/Tourism Meeting
Tues. Jan. 12th 3:30pm @ Government Center
You can sign up for the Announcements Directly by clicking here.
You will be taken to the Augusta County Government Website.
Virginia Sen. Mark Obenshain talks budget.
Virginia Senator Mark Obenshain spoke in Harrisonburg about the budget and a new license plate he is backing for Virginia. I would love to get one for my vehicle. SwacGirl has all the details.
Former Va. U.S. Senator Byrd Criticizes Senator Warner!
This appeared in the Richmond Times Dispatch today. Wow, this is something profound from Former United States Senator Harry F. Byrd of Virginia. He criticizes Freshman U.S. Senator Mark Warner and his recent vote on Health Care Reform. Byrd said he was compelled to speak out against Warner because the freshman senator had campaigned on a platform of grounded fiscal discipline. Sen. Byrd is quoted as, "being shocked by his [Warner's] votes." Senator Byrd went on to say, "When a Virginia Democrat is elected to the Congress --Senate or House --he or she must decide whether to vote the party line or vote the Virginia tradition of finiancal responsibility." Senator Warner's office did respond to Senator Byrd, read the article for more.
"No one will be spared."
"No one will be spared." Delegate Dickie Bell is right. The economic environment in the Commonwealth of Virginia's budget is bleak. The General Assembly must find more than $4.2 Billion dollars in spending cuts in order to balance the budget.
However, we can look at the bright side. This climate of conversation will force our state government officials to become more efficient and get back to the basics of running the commonwealth. We can start to cut programs that are no good and should never have been started. It will give Virginia the chance to review state agencies and audit how they do business. It will cause our state government to become more lean and efficient. Something that has been needed for a long time. Lets get back to small limited government.
Great LTE for Sen. Webb and Warner.
The Letter to the Editor in todays NewsLeader was great. Mr. Eagan echoes the sentiments of many in Augusta County and Virginia. The Letter to the Editor is open ended to our U.S. Senators, the question is, "Where is our sweetheart deal?" I agree, where is our ridiculous sweetheart deal? If the Health Care Reform Bill were so great and would open all these doors for people to obtain Health Care insurance than why all the outright ridiculous bribery to get Senators to vote for it?
I would also like to know where the Health Care Town Hall Meeting is from our U.S. Senators to get the opinion of Virginians on this bill before it goes to a final vote. I also want to hear from Virginia's U.S. Senators in response to the ridiculous amendment made for the state of Nebraska? The spokesman for U.S. Senator Warner last year during the fall break said that a Town Hall from the Senator was not going to happen because the Senate didn't have a bill. He also said that once the Senate had a bill he was sure the Senator would have some Town Halls to get the input from the citizens of the Commonwealth. Well here we are Mr. Senator, where are you? Or did you think we forgot?
BOS Nancy Sorrells is already campaigning!
Well, its clear that the Augusta County Supervisors see re-election on the horizon. The NewsLeader had an interview with Nancy Sorrells, BOS of Riverheads District. The interview gives a brief question and answer from her. The notable quote of the interview for Sorrells was, "I guess I drew the short straw when we were deciding who to run for local office." She faces a tough re-election next year as rumors swirl about locals gearing up to oppose her in 2011.
Augusta County Superintendent to Retire.
Gary McQuain, 13 year Superintendent of Augusta County Schools, will retire at the end of this school year, the NewsLeader reports. McQuain said that it is time for someone new, with fresh perspectives and ideas. He stated that "its time." With the economy and state budget in such dire straights, McQuain acknowledged the challenges still ahead for this year. McQuain complimented the outstanding staff that he has worked with over the years and believes they will weather these tough times ahead. Now the task will begin to find a new superintendent for Augusta County Schools.
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